You missed the talks? No problem, you can watch all video recordings below.
All events are for free, there’s no registration needed!
▸ Monday – 21.10.
Lunchtime Talk
More than blind faith?!
Ich glaube, also denke ich nicht?
“To believe is not to know. Faith is done in church.” Most of us have already heard those sayings. Is faith so outdated and naive, unsuitable for scientifically thinking, enlightened people? Or can faith – well thought out – also be an important part of what it means to be human?
Language: German
Coffee & Chat
Come and stop by for a free cup of coffee or tea, some cookies or even some homemade cake!
We’d love to get to know you, your thoughts on faith, what you believe and why you believe so. Challenge Christians on their faith and ask your tough questions.
Free coffee at Uni Graz
Evening Talk
More than science?!
Christianity vs Naturalism
Do the things studied by the natural sciences encompass all that exist? Is there an uncrossable barrier between evidence and faith, facts and values, or between science and religion? The speaker compares the worldviews of Christianity and Naturalism on these points as well as their ability to explain the full evidence of what we experience.
Language: Englisch
▸ Tuesday – 22.10.
Coffee & Chat
Come and stop by for a free cup of coffee or tea, some cookies or even some homemade cake!
We’d love to get to know you, your thoughts on faith, what you believe and why you believe so. Challenge Christians on their faith and ask your tough questions.
Free coffee at Uni Graz
Evening Talk
More than work?!
Über Leistung und Identität
Pressure to perform shapes our everyday life on university and at our workplace. Our achievements dictate our search for personal value. Am I more than my performance? After giving an overview from a psycological and philosophical perspective, the speaker outlines her personal way towards this pressing topic.
Language: German
▸ Wednesday – 23.10.
Lunchtime Talk
More than chance?!
Evolution and God
Is everything in the biological world, including us human beings, ultimately due to undirected natural processes? Is there a place for God in light of our knowledge of evolution? What have leading biologists said on the topic of chance, purpose, and God?
Language: Englisch
Evening Talk
More to life?!
Das kann doch nicht alles sein?
Every day we get up, study, work, look for love and a happy life. Is the rat race repeating itself every day? We experience great joy and tragic disappointments, celebrate great successes and grieve over setbacks. But is there any meaning and justice in all of this? And what if this life is over? Thousands of years ago, a philosopher posed the question: “What gain has the worker from his toil?” Is there a purpose worth living for? Is there hope for this life beyond the circumstances? The speaker sheds light on these questions across philosophy from the perspective of Christian hope.
Language: German
7:00pm – Uni Graz HS 01.15
▸ Thursday – 24.10.
Coffee & Chat
Come and stop by for a free cup of coffee or tea, some cookies or even some homemade cake!
We’d love to get to know you, your thoughts on faith, what you believe and why you believe so. Challenge Christians on their faith and ask your tough questions.
Free coffee at Uni Graz
Evening Talk
More than suffering?!
Wo ist Gott, wenn man ihn braucht?
Setbacks, disappointments and suffering – where is God in all this? And if God is really good and loving, why are there wars, abuses and injustice, even in the name of religion? Do we really need such a God who seems to abandon us?
Language: German